Core-to-Core International Meeting
χMag2016 Symposium
21st-24th Feb, 2016, Oriental Hotel Hiroshima, Japan
Center for Chiral Science
This meeting is a partner conference of DMI conference.
The workshop will cover the following topics:
1) Nonlinear and topological spin textures in chiral magnets
2) How to probe spin chirality and crystallographic chirality by electron, neutron, X-ray, muon, and ultrasound beams
3) Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in crystals with broken chiral symmetry
4) Systematic synthesis of chiral magnetic crystals, including molecular-based, transition-metal, and rare-earth-based crystals
5) Physics of helical and chiral superconductivity
Invited speakers
Oleksiy Bogdanov *
Catherine Pappas *
Hidetoshi Fukuyama (comentator) *
Jun-ichi Fukuda *
Sonja Franke Arnold *
* confirmed

Registration (and request of invitation letter): January 29, 2016
Abstract: January 29, 2016
Online registration
Registration fee : JPY10,000
Banquet fee : JPY10,000
Deadline: January 29, 2016
For invited speakers
(Prof. Oleksiy Bogdanov, Prof. Chatherine Pappas, Prof. Hidetoshi Fukuyama, Prof. Jun-ichi Fukuda, Prof. Sonja Franke Arnold)
*Registration for invited speakers who will attend our banquet (Feb. 23)
*Registration for invited speakers who will not attend our banquet (Feb. 23)
*For participants who will pay their registration fee and/or banquet fee with PayPal
If you select PayPal as your payment method, you will be forwarded to a PayPal login screen after filling out the registration form and clicking the "Submit" button. On the PayPal login screen, please use the language switcher if you need.
Abstract Submission
Please use the template file available from here and submit pdf file from "Online Submit form" button below.
Online Submit form
Deadline: January 29, 2016
* The length of a manuscript including title, figures and tables should be 1-2 pages.
* Color figures can be included in the manuscript, which should be visible even when the manuscript is printed in monochrome.
* Fonts need to be embedded into your PDF File to ensure the document can be correctly read on any machine. If you don't know how to do it, please refer to here.
* If you want to revise your abstract, please submit it again through the online submission.
Poster Session Information For Presenters
Poster size : 1200mmX850mm
(The poster board surface is approximately 1450mm high x 900mm wide)
* Pushpins will be available at the poster session.
* Presenters should set up their posters on 2/22
* All posters must remain up until the session ends and then must be removed before the end of symposium, 2/24 12:00
Access to conference site
Oriental Hotel Hiroshima
Access to Oriental Hotel Hiroshima
Limousine Bus timetable (Hiroshima Airport->Nakasuji Station->Hiroshima Bus Center->Tanakamachi)
Hiroshima airport -> Hiroshima Bus Center -> "Tanakamachi"(In front of Oriental Hotel)
08:35 -> 09:26 -> 09:43
11:10 -> 12:01 -> 12:18
15:00 -> 15:51 -> 16:08
16:50 -> 17:41 -> 17:58
* Other buses on the timetable terminate at "Hiroshima Bus center". We recommend to take a taxi from Hiroshima Bus Center to Oriental Hotel.
広島オリエンタルホテル 宿泊予約
参加者の皆様にはなるべくこのホテルで予約していただくようお願いします。今回特別料金で設定していただきました。また、懇親会、Welcome party等で便宜をはかってもらっています。 予約締め切り:2016年1月29日
Oriental Hotel Hiroshima online room reservation
We strongly recommend you to stay in this Hotel.
Dead line: 29 Jan. 2016
Alexander Ovchinnikov (Ural Federal University)
Robert Stamps (University of Glasgow)
Sergey Grigoriev (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima University)
Jun-ichiro Kishine(The Open University of Japan)
Yoshihiko Togawa(Osaka Prefectural University)
Nadya Chubova (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Congress Secretariat
E-mail: chi-mag* (*→@)
Contact Info
Reserch Group of Solid Material Chemistry
Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima
739-8526 Japan
Phone: +81-82-424-7416 (Inoue)
E-mail: kxi**→@)