International meetings
Domestic meetings
Related conferences

Comming meetings

Past Meeting


JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brain Storming "キラル磁性体におけるスキルミュオン研究"|Feb 09-10, 2018

JSPS Core-to-Core Program 第2回研究討論会「ミュオンを用いた電子・水素・イオンの複合ダイナミクスの観測-現状と展望-」|Jan 30-31, 2018

HU CResCent & HU Core-U 32nd(FY2017 8th)Joint seminar "Seminar on Elementary particle chirality"|Jan 20, 2018

JSPS Core-to-Core Program 2017【S-5】Topical meeting "A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials"|Dec 8-10, 2017

Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting
Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh
|Nov 27, 2017

TOYOTA RIKEN International Workshop on Chirality in Soft Matter (related)|Nov 24-26, 2017

JSPS Core-to-Core Program "Young Scientist Seminar 2017"|Nov 20-22, 2017

The 11th Japanese-Russian workshop (related)|Nov 12-15, 2017

Chirality Research Center“Chiral Science Seminar”
Prof. Gopalan Srinivasan
|Oct 27, 2017

JSPS Core-to-Core Program "Meeting toward Further progress of the Chiral Science"|Oct 2, 2017

New Frontier of Molecular Materials (NFMM)- post-conference of ISCOM2017 (related)|Sep 29-30, 2017

12th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Magnets (ISCOM2017) (related)|Sep 24-29, 2017

JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting "Glasgow meeting"|Sep 4-6, 2017

JSPS Core-to-Core Program R-1, 3, 5 Joint seminar|Aug 21, 2017

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting "AI Rsearch(2nd)"|Aug 2-3, 2017

"IV International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures"
|May 23-26, 2017

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting "Chiral natural philosophy"|Apr 21-22, 2017

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting "AI Rsearch"|Apr 20, 2017





International meetings

JSPS Core-to-Core Program
International meeting “χ-Mag2018 Symposium”
Jul 25-28, 2018

Place:Nara Kasugano International Forum 甍~I・RA・KA~, 奈良市
→Program(conference website)

“The 52nd School on Condensed State Physics” JSPS Core-to-Core Program
Mar 12-17, 2018

Place:St. Petersburg, Russia
→Conference website (Russian)
→Program (Russian)

“A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials”
JSPS Core-to-Core Program 2017【S-5】
Dec 8-10, 2017

Place:KYUKAMURA OHKUNOSHIMA, Takehara-city, Hiroshima
Participants: JPN 33, UK 1, ESP 1
-- 8th Dec. Session 1 ”New skyrmions” (Session leader: Andrey Leonov )
       Poster session (17 papers)
-- 9th Dec. Session 2 “Phase diagram and non-linear response”
                          (Session leader: Javier Campo )
       Free discussion
--10th Dec. Session 3 ”New Materials and technology”
                          (Session leader: Katsuya Inoue )
→ Program & Poster presentation list
→ Photo

Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting
Nov 27th, 2017 10:00-12:00

Place:E002, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
  Research → PHYS.ORG - News
Title "Towards Chiral Liquid Crystal Displays with Knots in Every Pixel"
Poster  Abstract
→ Photo

"Glasgow meeting"
JSPS Core-to-Core Program 2017【S-4】
Sep 4-6, 2017
University of Glasgow, UK

Committee: Robert Stamps, University of Glasgow
      Yoshihiko Togawa, Osaka Prefecture University
Participants: RUS 2, JPN 7, UK 25
→Program(conference website)
→ Photo

DMI2017 "IV International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures"
JSPS Core-to-Core Program 2017【S-2】
May 23-26, 2017
Peterhof, Russia

→conference website

Domestic meetings

HU CResCent & HU Core-U
Joint seminar "Seminar on Elementary particle chirality II"
April 01st - 02nd, 2018

Place:Kanda Sansou Resort (Kurhaus)(Hiroshima city)
※本セミナーは、広島大学極限宇宙研究拠点(Core-U)とキラル国際研究拠点(CResCent)の合同セミナーです。2018年1月20日に広島大学で開催された "Seminar on Elementary particle chirality" の第二弾となります。
→ Program
If you have an interest for this meeting, please contact to the e-mail below.
chiral*  *until Mar 18
(* -> @)
→ Photo


JSPS Core-to-Core Program "Meeting toward Further progress of the Chiral Science"
Mar 28-29, 2018

Place:Campus Innovation Center, Room 408 (3-3-6, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
     *Closed meeting (Invitees Only)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brain Storming "キラル磁性体におけるスピン位相オーダーを利用した新機能開拓の打ち合わせ"
March 2th, 22th, 25th, 2018

Place:Mar 2th HU Tokyo office CIC 4FLounge
    Mar 22th HU Tokyo office Room408
    Mar 25th HU Tokyo office Room408

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brain Storming "ミュオン共同研究"
February 27th, March 7th, 2018

Place:Feb 27th HU Tokyo office CIC Liaison Corner 508
    Mar 27th HU Tokyo office CIC Liaison Corner 508

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brain Storming "キラル磁性体におけるスキルミュオン研究"
February 09th - 10th, 2018

Place:Hiroshima Univ. Graduate School of Science B508,Higashi-Hiroshima Campus
Participants:Katsuya Inoue,Alex Bogdanov,Leonov Andrey,Yoji Ichiraku
       (Hiroshima Univ.)
       Yusuke kato,Rikuho Takeda(Univ. of Tokyo)
       Jun-ichiro Ohe,Remi Murooka(Toho Univ.)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting
第2回研究討論会 "ミュオンを用いた電子・水素・イオンの複合ダイナミクスの観測-現状と展望-"
Jan 30th 13:00 - 31th 13:30, 2018

Place:Takeo-Onsen Hights(Takeo, Saga Prefecture)
→ Program
→ Photo

HU CResCent & HU Core-U 32nd(FY2017 8th)Joint seminar
"Seminar on Elementary particle chirality"
Jan 20th, 2018 13:00-17:00

Place:E203 Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
     Kenji Fukushimna
     (Professor, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo)
     「Chirality in High-Energy Physics」
     Naoki Yamamoto
     (Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and
     Technology, Keio Univ. )
→ Program
→ Photo

JSPS Core-to-Core Program “6th Young Scientist Seminar ~ 2017 Autumn school”
Nov 20th - 22nd, 2017

Place: Osaka Prefecture University I-site Namba, 2F, Seminar room A1+A2 (Osaka, JAPAN)
20日 Lecture by Assoc. prof. Niimi about Spintronic
21日 Lecture by Dr. Matsuura about Magnetism + Group discussion
22日 Mini Lecture by Dr. Goncalves about Magnetism + Oral presentation by young researchers + Group discussion
Organizer:Hirohisa Takahashi (The Open Univ. of Japan)
      Hiroyasu Matsuura (Tokyo University)
      Yoshihiko Togawa (Osaka Prefecture University)
If you have an interest for this meeting, please contact to the e-mail below.
(* -> @)

Program & Abstract
→ Photo

Chirality Research Center "Chiral Science Seminar"
Oct 27, 2017 16:00-18:00

Place:Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Prof. Gopalan Srinivasan (Distinguished Professor, Oakland University, USA)
Title “Multiferroic Composites: Recent Advances and Future Possibilities”
Program & Abstract
→ Photo

JSPS Core-to-Core Program "Meeting toward Further progress of the Chiral Science"
Oct 2, 2017 13:00-20:00

Place:Campus Innovation Center, Room 509 (3-3-6, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
   13:00-15:30 実験系からの将来ビジョンについて  Prof. K. Inoue (Hiroshima Univ.)
   16:00-17:30 理論系からの将来ビジョンについて  Prof. J. Kishine (The Open University of Japan)
   18:00-20:00 討論会
     *Closed meeting (Invitees Only)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program R-1, 3, 5 Joint seminar
Aug 21th, 2017 13:00-14:00

Place:Osaka Prefecture University(Rm 306, A5 building)
Theme:Lecture of Dr. Yuya Sawada(Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science - Hagiwara Laboratry -, Osaka Univ.)
Program & Abstract

Topical Meeting for Core-to-Core "AI Resaerch(2nd)"
August 2th 15:00 - 3th 15:00, 2017

Place:Hiroshima University (Higashi-hiroshima Campus B508), Japan
2th Aug.(Wed)15:00 "AI Resaerch 現状報告" by Prof. K. Inoue (Hiroshima Univ.)
        10:00-12:00 "ロジスティック回帰について"
                         by Prof. T. Kurita (Hiroshima Univ.)
3th Aug.(Thu)10:00-12:00 "AI研究の展開について" by Prof. J. Ohe (Toho Univ.)
        13:00-15:00 Discussion
Program PDF

Topical Meeting for Core-to-Core "Chiral natural philosophy"
April 21th 13:00- 22nd 17:00

Place:Kanda Sansou Resort (Kurhaus)(Hiroshima city)
Organizer:Katsuya Inoue
     Prof. Tadashi Ogawa (Professor emeritus, Kyoto University) vs. Prof. Kazuo Kitahara (Professor emeritus, Tokyo University of Science)
     Prof. Tadashi Ogawa (Professor emeritus, Kyoto University)
     Prof. Jun-ichiro Kishine (The Open University of Japan)
     Prof. Hirokazu Hori (Yamanashi University)
→ Photo

Topical Meeting for Core-to-Core "AI Resaerch"
April 20th 14:00 - 18:00, 2017

Place:Hiroshima University (Higashi-hiroshima Campus B508), Japan
14:00-18:00 Discussion together
      Assoc. prof. J. OHE(Toho Univ.), Prof. T. KURITA(Hiroshima Univ.),
      Prof. K. INOUE(Hiroshima Univ.), Dr. A. LEONOV (Hiroshima Univ.)

日本学術振興会 研究拠点形成事業 トピカルミーティング
2017年3月27日 18:00 ~ 29日 12:10

場所:キャンパス・イノベーション東京 リエゾンコーナー501
3月27日(月)18:00 Future planning on Chiral Magnet

10:00-10:05 はじめに
10:05-12:00 キラルの効果に関して (Prof. K. Inoue, Hiroshima Univ.)
13:00-14:00 AIによるキラル結晶設計(Prof. K. Inoue, Hiroshima Univ.)
14:00-15:30 Results of the recent experiment((Y. Togawa Hiroshima Univ.)
16:00-17:30 Results of the recent experiment(Prof. M. Mito, Kyushu Institute of Technology)
17:30-18:30 討論
18:30-  キラルチームの将来計画について(Prof. K. Inoue, Hiroshima Univ.)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program R-1, 2, 3 Joint seminar
Mar 21th, 2017 14:00~15:00

Place:Osaka Prefecture University
Theme:Lecture of Pro. Malcolm Kadodwala
Program & Abstracts

15th Bilateral Japanese-German Symposium- Novel Phases by Breaking Symmetry: From Magnetism to Chirality
Sep 17-19, 2018 *Berlin, Germany

→Program(conference website)  *Under Construction

The 12th Japanese-Russian workshop – MolMag-2018
Sep 17-21, 2018 *Astrakhan, Russia

→conference website

The 16th International Conference on Molecule-based Magnets– ICMM2018
Sep 1-5, 2018 *Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Venue:Windsor Marapendi Hotel, Rio de Janeiro
Conference Chair:Prof. Miguel Alexandre Novak (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ)
→conference website

The 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry– ICCC 2018
Jul 30 - Aug 4, 2018 *Sendai, Japan

→Program(conference website)  *Under Construction

International Conference on Magnetism– ICM2018
Jul 16-20, 2018 *San Francisco, California, USA

場所:San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel, San Francisco, California
→conference website

Telluride (Te2-) meeting on Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Chiral Structures and their Assemblies
Jul **, 2018 *Telluride, Colorado, USA

→Program(conference website)  *Under Construction

The 6th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism- ICSM2018
April 29 - May 04, 2018 *Fethiye-Ölüdeniz, Turkey

Place:Sentido Lykia Resort & Spa and Liberty Lykia Hotels, Fethiye-Ölüdeniz
Conference Director:Prof. Dr. Ali Gencer (Ankara University)
→conference website

TOYOTA RIKEN International Workshop on Chirality in Soft Matter
Nov 24-26, 2017 *Nagoya, Japan

Place:Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology
→conference website

The 11th Japanese-Russian workshop
Nov 12-15, 2017 *Awaji Island, Japan

Place:Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center
Chairperson:Takeji Takui, Professor (Osaka City University)
Co-Chairperson:Katsuya Inoue, Professor (Hiroshima University)
→conference website

New Frontier of Molecular Materials (NFMM) - ISCOM2017 Post Conference
Sep 29-30, 2017 *Sendai, Japan

Place:Tohoku University Katahira Campus
→conference website

12th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Magnets (ISCOM2017)
Sep 24-29, 2017
Zao, Miyagi, Japan

Place:Miyagi Zao Royal Hotel
*Organizing Committee, Advisory Committeeに拠点長の井上克也ほか多数のメンバーが参加 →committees
→conference website

SPring-8シンポジウム2017 "SPring-8の目指す将来"
Sep 4-5, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan

Place:Higashi-Senda Innovative Research Center M401-402
→committees * Many our members join in
→conference website

2nd Scientific School & Conference "DESIGN OF MAGNETOACTIVE COMPOUNDS"
Camping-hotel 'Yolochka' near Lake Baikal (not far from Irkutsk), Russia

*K. Maryunina(助教); Oral, Tatiana Sherstobitova(D1); Poster で参加
→conference website

Siberian Summer School
Novosibirsk, Russia

場所:Novosibirsk State University
→conference website ※2018年度版にリニューアルされています

SPRUC 機能磁性材料分光研究会・キラル磁性・マルチフェロイックス研究会 合同研究会
Feb 1, 2017 13:00
Tokyo, Japan

場所(アクセス記載URL):キャンパス・イノベーションセンター東京内リエゾンコーナー 508AB (5F)
1. 13:00-13:30: 木村昭夫(広島大) 「スピン分解光電子分光による磁性研究の最先端」
2. 13:30-14:00: 鈴木基寛(JASRI )「BL39XUにおけるXMCD研究の動向と今後の整備計画」
3. 14:00-14:30: 中村哲也(JASRI )「BL25SUにおける軟X線MCD研究の動向と今後の整備計画」
-----休憩(14:30 - 14:50)-----
4. 14:50-15:20: 美藤正樹(九州工業大)「キラル磁性体に誘起されるトポロジカルソリトンの直接観察に向けた挑戦と放射光への期待」
5. 15:20-15:50: 桜庭裕弥 (NIMS)「スピンデバイスの特性向上を目指したホイスラー材料開発の課題と放射光によるブレークスルーへの期待」
6. 15:50-16:20: 和達大樹(東大物性研)「時間分解軟X線回折・分光とSPring-8 BL07LSUでの展望」
7. 16:20-17:00: 討論(主に高性能化に関する議論)

主催:SPRUC 機能磁性材料分光研究会、キラル磁性・マルチフェロイックス研究会

MOLECULAR MAGNETS 2016(molmag2016)
Sep 19-23, 2016
Novosibirsk, Russia

→conference website

The 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-18)
Aug 7th-12th, 2016
Nagoya, Japan

→conference website

International workshop "Dynamics of Electron Vortex and Spin Vortex"
July 1st-3rd, 2016
Nagoya, Japan

→conference website

place:Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology, Japan

Charles Reichhardt(LANL)・戸川欣彦(大阪府大)・岸根順一郎(放送大学)


Contact Info

Reserch Group of Solid Material Chemistry
Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University

1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima
739-8526 Japan
Phone: +81-82-424-7416 (Inoue)
E-mail: kxi**→@)