"Toward a New Class Magnetism by Chemically-controlled Chirality" - Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research [KAKENHI] (S) -
"A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials" -JSPS Core-to-Core Program, A. Advanced Research Networks-



Summer school of WPI-SKCM2
10th – 19th Jul. 2024

  • Collaboration-enabling Hike, Mount Moiwa 15th July, 2024


Winter school of WPI-SKCM2
11th Dec. 2023 – 12th Jan. 2024

  • Kahr BART & Katsuya INOUE 12th Dec., 2023


CResCent Brainstorming “Protein knots and Chirality”
14th Apr. 2022, 13:00 – 17:00

CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting -Prof. Oleksiy Bogdanov’s Seminar
12th Jan. 2022, 15:30 – 17:30


CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting – Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh’s Seminar
1st Nov. 2021, 13:00 – 15:00

Outdoor Meeting at Kagamiyama Castle Ruins
27th Oct. 2021


Prof. Vitaly Berdinskiy (Orenburg State University, Russia), CResCent Seminar room (HU School of Science, C411)
5th – 10th Dec. 2019

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Workshop of multifunctional molecule-based material”【S5】 – Satellite meeting of The 13th Japanese-Russian workshop
Nov. 14 – 15, 2019

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Chirality, Topology and Knot Theory 3rd study group”【S4】
Oct. 31 – Nov. 01, 2019

Photos on Symposium on Molecular Chirality 2019 in Kanazawa
14-15th Jun. 2019

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Chiral Natural Philosophy Symposium”【S1】
6th-8th Jan. 2019

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Symposium on fundamental properties of chiral materials”【S-7】
27th-29th Jan. 2019


JSPS Core-to-Core Program ”Young Scientist Seminar”【S-5】
12th-14th Dec. 2018

Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting Prof. Javier Campo’s Seminar
5th Dec. 2018

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting
“Chirality, Topology and Knot Theory 2nd study group”【S-6】
27th Nov. 2018

Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia, Oct 28-Nov 2, 2018

ICMM 2018, Brazil, Rio de junior, Sep 1-5, 2018

Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting Hayley R. O. Sohn’s Seminar
Aug 1, 2018

Sendai, Japan, Jul 30 – Aug 4, 2018

JSPS Core-to-Core and Hiroshima University Chiral Research Center Meeting “Chirality in Bio-systems” (Young Scientist Seminar)
Jul 29-30, 2018

JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting “χMag2018 Symposium”
Jul 25-28, 2018

Hiroshima University (flying exercises)
Created by Andrey LEONOV

Photo on meeting Drs. M. Kadodwala, S. McVitie, N. Miyokawa, Y. Isobe (URAs in HU) in Glasgow
Jun 7, 2018

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting AI Resaerch (3rd) “Discussion on new learning method for chiral crystal design”
May 23, 2018

The 6th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism- ICSM2018
2018年4月29日-5月4日 Premier Palace Hotel, Beldibi, Antalya, Turkey


JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brainstorming “Chirality, Topology and Knot Theory 1st study group”
Apr 16, 2018  Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science B508

”Wind Of Change” Created by Andrey LEONOV

HU CResCent & HU Core-U Joint seminar “Seminar on Elementary particle chirality II”
1-2 Apr, 2018 Kanda Sansou Resort, JAPAN

JSPS Research base establishment project Winter school in St. Petersburg
12-16 Mar, 2018, Russia

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting 第2回研究討論会「ミュオンを用いた電子・水素・イオンの複合ダイナミクスの観測-現状と展望-」
30-31 Jan, 2018 Takeo-Onsen Hights, Takeo, Saga Prefecture, JAPAN

HU CResCent & HU Core-U 32nd(FY2017 8th)Joint seminar “Seminar on Elementary particle chirality”
20 Jan, 2018  Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science E203


JSPS Core-to-Core Program “A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials” 2017[S-5] 08-10 Dec, 2017  KYUKAMURA OHKUNOSHIMA, Takehara-city, Hiroshima, JAPAN




“Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting”
Nov 27th, 2017 10:00 – 12:00 Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science E002

JSPS Core-to-Core Program “6th Young Scientist Seminar ~ 2017 Autumn school” 2017[S-3] 20-22 Nov, 2017 Osaka Prefecture University I-site Namba, Osaka, JAPAN

Chirality Research Center “Chiral Science Seminar”
Oct 10th, 2017 Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science B508

JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Glasgow meeting” 2017[S-4] 4-6 Sep, 2017 University of Glasgow, UK

Prof. Andrey LEONOV SKYMAG 2017 Invited Talk, 3th May
2-5 May, 2017 Chimie ParisTech, Paris, France

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting 2017[S-1] “Chiral natural philosophy”
Apr 21th 13:00 – 22th 17:00, 2017 Kanda Sansou Resort (Kurhaus)(Hiroshima city)

Prof. Istvan Kezsmarki in the coffee shop “BATERENN” on February 28th
Feb 28th – Mar 1st, 2017 Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science E208

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting “Research Progress Meeting on Chiral Magnet”
Feb 4th 13:00 – 6th 12:30, 2017 Takeo-Onsen Hights (Takeo, Saga Prefecture)


JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Young Scientist Seminar”
12-13th December 2016 Osaka Prefecture University I-site Namba (Osaka), JAPAN

Discussion with Prof. CNR Rao
December 2016 Bangalore, India(Starting from left right, Prof. P. Gahlsasi (MS Univ. Varoda), Prof. CNR Rao, Inoue, S. Aoki(HU))

New Frontier of Multi-functional Magnets -NFM2016- ICMM2016 Satellite Meeting
09-11th September 2016, Hiroshima City Bunka Kouryu Kaikan, Hiroshima City, Japan

Topical meeting for Core-to-Core “Chiral natural philosophy”
17-18th April 2016 Hiroshima International Youth House, Japan


A press conference
15th Dec 2015, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT)

Core-to-Core International meeting, Kick off meeting
October 11th-13th, 2015 University of Glasgow, UK

Study group on muon experiments of CsCuCl3
27th July 2015, The Open University of Japan

Core-to-Core Young Meeting Chiral Seminer
21-23rd July 2015, Hiroshima University

Seminer of Anglar Resolved Photo-Electron Spectroscopy
13-14rd July 2015, Hiroshima University

Crystal Growth Meeting
June 3rd-5th, 2015 Lyon Univ. and Neel Inst., France

Core-to-Core Meeting
May 31th – June 2nd, 2015 University of Glasgow, UK

Workshop of Neutron chiral Magnetic Structure Analysis
21-23rd April 2015, Osaka University

Workshop of Chiral-Philosophy
17-19th April 2015, Hiroshima University and Kamagari island


Joint Meeting for KIBAN (S) and HU Core Project
27-29th April 2014, University of Tokyo

Workshop of Chiral-Philosophy
30th March-1st April 2014, Yamanashi