"Toward a New Class Magnetism by Chemically-controlled Chirality" - Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research [KAKENHI] (S) -
"A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials" -JSPS Core-to-Core Program, A. Advanced Research Networks-


  • IRSChMb
  • ICMMpost
  • https://kotai.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/chiral/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/kaiMag2016.jpg
  • kaiMag2016


NEW 【PR/Press】We published a joint press release with Kyushu Institute of Technology (Prof. Masaki MITO, CresCent member)
Click here for details (HU website, Japanese)→磁性体におけるスキルミオンの凝縮現象の観測に成功 ― スキルミオンの凝縮が水分子の凝縮と類似することを観測した―
NEW 【Press】Professor Sadafumi NISHIHARA (Hiroshima University), a member of CresCent, was interviewed as “Introduction of leading researchers at HU” (selected for JST Strategic Basic Research Program (PRESTO) in FY2022), and the article was published.
NEW Ms. Avinashi Bhandari(Harvard College, USA)is in our Lab. by HU Global Research Internship Program(GRIP)(period in office : 3rd Jun, 2024 – 31th July, 2024),
*HU-GRIP is a program that accepts students from top universities across the United States and provides them with research internships in our faculty and laboratories for approximately eight weeks.
【Adoption】the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) selected our proposal ‘Realization of an industrial cluster ecosystem integrating semiconductors, super materials and biotechnology with visualization technology using synchrotron radiation’ for its “Program for Forming Japan’s Peak Research Universities (J-PEAKS)” (Japanese version only).
For details, click here → Hiroshima Univ. website (Japanese version only, too)
【Prize】Mr. Jun Manabe(D3, supervisor:CResCent Member, Prof. NISHIHARA)was elected as “Excellent student scholarship (ESS)”.
【Press】The social implementation of the research results of CResCent member, Dr. Sadafumi NISHIHARA (Professor, HU) was introduced in Radio “SETOUCHI STARTUPS SELECTION”. ●RCC Radio (Hiroshima), Novenber 15, 22 2023
【Press】The social implementation of the research results of CResCent member, Dr. Sadafumi NISHIHARA (Professor, HU) was introduced in a newspaper. ●The Nikkei Shimbun, October 17, 2023, electronic edition ●The Nikkei Shimbun, October 18, 2023
【Award】Project leader of CResCent, Prof. Katsuya INOUE received the “Molecular Chirality Award 2023” at the Symposium on Molecular Chirality 2023 where he gave a commemorative lecture.
The International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (SKCM2) at Hiroshima University is currently accepting applications for Postdoctoral Fellows.
The International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (SKCM2) was featured in HU-plus Vol. 21 (May 2023). Click here for digital book → Special feature|Vastness #4 “Chiral musubi create the world” (p.7-10) , sorry Japanese only.
A special issue (J. Phys. Chem. B) on Yoshitaka Tanimura (Prof., Kyoto Univ.), whose research approach we resonate with, is now available. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B | Vol 125, No 43 (acs.org) 
Hiroshima University “International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter” was selected for The World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) ProgramFY2022. This program is based on the results of Chirality Research Center (CResCent)
CResCent member, Dr. Sadafumi NISHIHARA (Professor) got the scientific research fund of JST Strategic Basic Research Programs “PRESTO” [Information Carriers]Information Carriers and Their Integrated Materials/Devices/Systems  Title: 単分子誘電体ストレージクラスメモリの開発
【Call for Participants】We accept applications for e-START program participants for the first semester of FY2022. Course Details→Course 3『Chiral Sciences』 ※ e-START is a program in which students attend lectures, conduct group work, and engage in discussions in a foreign language while communicating online with students from partner universities who have different backgrounds.
【PR/Press】We published a joint press release with Osaka University (Prof. Masayuki HAGIWARA )
Click here for details (HU website, Japanese)→遂に実現!複数の極限環境下での物質のふるまいを測定可能に。 ~スピンと格子が織りなす多彩な全磁気相をマッピング~
CResCent member, Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh wrote the new paper on Nature Photonic (2020)
CResCent member, Dr. Sadafumi NISHIHARA (Professor) received 「第17回村川技術奨励賞・難波敢技術奨励賞」 from Sanyo Association for Advancement of Science & Technology.
CResCent member, Dr. Sadafumi NISHIHARA (Professor) received Eto-Hosoya Commendation from The Futaba Foundation.
Awarding Ceremony:8th Jul., 2022(Sat), Tokyo
【Topical meeting】We are planning to hold Topical meeting of Chirality Research Center(CResCent) “Spin Chirality”, on March 10-11th, 2022
【Invited Talk】Our CResCent member, Dr. Andrey LEONOV (Associate Professor):He will present at HU – RIKEN – OIST Joint-Workshop.  2022.03.05Postponed(under consideration for a schedule)
【Lecture Meeting 2022.1.12】CResCent Lecture Meeting – Prof. Oleksiy Bogdanov’s Seminar
Prof. Oleksiy BOGDANOV (CResCent’s member, IFW Dresden, Germany) has be appointed as a Professor (Special Appointment) of Hiroshima Univ.
Our member, Dr. Sadafumi NISHIHARA (Professor) received The Hiroshima University President’s Commendation
Awarding Ceremony:6th Nov., 2021(Sat)10:00 -,SATAKE MEMORIAL HALL
【Lecture Meeting 2021.11.1】CResCent Lecture Meeting – Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh’s Seminar
【Invited Talk】Project leader of CResCent, Prof. Katsuya INOUE:He presented at the 29th Symposium on Organic Crystals.
The final evaluation results of Core-to-Core Program (A. Advanced Research Networks) have been announced by JSPS. The evaluation result was the same as the mid-term evaluation, the highest evaluation. →【Post-evaluation results of the proposals adopted in FY2015】-translated
“We are planning to hold HU CResCent (Chirality Research Center) meeting, “Chirality in fundamental particle physics” on Aug 23th, 2021 → Click here for details
Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh (CResCent’s member, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA) has be appointed as a Professor (Special Appointment) of Hiroshima Univ.
Smirnykh DMITRII (D3) grew a single crystal of p6322 antiferromagnet with spin soliton phase.
Our Lab.-member, Dr. Masaru FUJIBAYASHI (Assistant professor) received The Japan Association for Chemical Innovation(JACI)第10回新化学技術研究奨励賞
『単分子メモリの実現を見据えた薄膜内での分子配向制御法の開発』(課題5:DX による超スマート化社会を支えるエレクトロニクス材料に関する研究)
CResCent members, Prof. Jun-ichiro KISHINE and Prof. Toshihiko TOGAWA published the book. Most of the authors are those who came to CResCent for discussion. (Prof. Tatara, Prof. Nespro, Prof. Kondo, Prof. Fukushima, Prof. Yamamoto, Prof. )
Click here for details (the publisher’s website, Japanese)→数理科学 2021年3月号
Prof. Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima University), director of CResCent, gave the seminar “Chirality-From philosophy to Science” during the “Japan week” (March 11th to 17th at the Orenburg State University, Russia). The President of Orenburg State University presented a letter of appreciation to the President of Hiroshima University for this event.
Dr. Sergey Maleyev passed away on February 20, 2021. Dr. Sergey Maleyev was one of the pioneers of magnetic structure analysis of chiral magnetism and also trained Dr. Sergey Grigoriev at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI) in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Prof. Sadafumi Nishihara’s Team – “Future Co-Creation Team for “DIGITAL BIOSPHERE” was selected for “Social visions of the brainstorming teams(MILLENNIA Program, Moonshot Research and Development Program)” of JST. The vision is “DIGITAL BIOSPHERE: Entirely New Physics is a Game Changer for Bioindustry.”
Click here for Regular Press Conferences by the President→Hiroshima Univ. Channel (YouTube) 4’20”
Click here for details →HU website News & Topcs (Japanese)
We published a press release of the joint research with our partner university, MSU Vadodara (India, Prof. Prasanna Gahlsasi)
Click here for details (HU website, Japanese)→水中での不斉炭素~炭素結合生成有機反応の発見~
The results of the joint research with our partner university, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (France), has been selected as “Hot article” in Dalton Trans.. The first author, Dr. Constance Lecourt stayed at our Lab.(2017.6.20-2017.8.22:2 months)under JSPS Summer School Program, and Mr. Yuta IZUMI stayed in Prof. Dominique Luneau’s group at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University(2019.8.26-2019.10.19:about 2 months)They promoted our joint research.
The results of the joint research with our partner university, MSU Vadodara (India), will be published in Sci. Rep.. Professor Prasanna Gahlsasi of MSU stayed at our Lab.(2019.07.02-2019.12.04:5 months)under sabbatical research project and promoted our joint research.
We published a joint press release with Kyushu Institute of Technology (Prof. Masaki MITO )
Click here for details (HU website, Japanese)→らせん磁気構造中にソリトンを形成するパターンを無限個用意することに成功~無限容量磁気メモリの作製原理を発見~
Prof. Sadafumi Nishihara won the scientific research fund of “START(Program for Creating STart-ups from Advanced Research and Technology)” of JST  →Hiroshima Univ. press release (Japanese)
Prof. Sadafumi Nishihara wrote the interpretive article on Nature Nanotechnology, 15 (2020)
Prof. Sadafumi Nishihara won the scientific research fund of “The Sumitomo Foundation Title: “Development of Ultramicro Memory with Single Molecule Electret”

New paper published → Nature Reviews Physics → PDF(For Member’s Page)
(Alexei N. Bogdanov and Christos Panagopoulos, Physical foundations and basic properties of magnetic skyrmions, Nature Reviews Physics (2020), 10.1038/s42254-020-0203-7)
【Books】 “The Beauty and Fascination of Science” translated by Berdinskiy, V. and Inoue, K. is published.
This collaboration between Orenburg State University (OSU, Russia) and Hiroshima University is introduced on the official website of OSU(Russian)
【PR/Press】The Kyoto Shimbun「5 researchers got the research grant on thin-film technology from SAMCO foundation」 Prof. Sadafumi Nishihara(Hiroshima Univ.)
Prof. Peter DAY (Oxford , University College London (UCL), Royal Society and Royal Institution of England) has passed away.
Our member, Mr. Naoto TSUCHIYA (M2) received “CSJ Award – Chugoku-Shikoku Branch, 2020”
New paper published : During the past decade, axisymmetric two-dimensional solitons (so-called magnetic skyrmions) have been discovered in several materials. These nanometer-scale localized objects are being proposed as candidates for novel technological applications, including high-density memory, logic circuits and neuro-inspired computing.
We published a joint press release with TOHO Univ. (Ms. Remi MUROOKA and Dr. Jun-ichiro OHE )
Click here for details (HU website, Japanese)→キラル磁性体中に配向性をもった新しいナノ磁気渦構造と特殊な磁化ダイナミクスを発見 ~ 磁性体中の“バドミントンシャトル”~
Prof. Sadafumi Nishihara got the gold prize of Hiroshima Venture Development Foundation (Japanese)
Our member, Mr. Takumi NISHIMURA (M2) received 「CSJ West Japan Chemistry Forum 2019 in Tokushima Oral Presentation Awards」 Click here for details
Our member, Mr. Tatsuya ISHINUKI (M1) received 「Best Poster Awards at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Molecular Science, Nagoya 2019」 Click here for details
Prof. Sadafumi Nishihara got the scientific research fund of JST Strategic Basic Research Programs “PRESTO” [Computing Frontiers] Pioneering Research on Computing Frontiers  Title: Establishment of innovative molecular storage technology
Prof. Alexei N. Bogdanov (IFW Dresden, Germany) is appointed as a Professor(Special Appointment) of Hiroshima Univ. “CResCent(Chirality Research Center)”
(period in office : 1st Oct, 2019 – 31th Mar, 2020)
Our member, Dr. Masaru FUJIBAYASHI (Researcher) received 応用物理学会中四国支部会で2019年度学術講演会発表奨励賞
Prof. Prasanna S. Ghalsasi (The MS University of Baroda, India) is in Hiroshima Univ. “CResCent(Chirality Research Center)” for cooperative research
(period in office : 1st Jul, 2019 – 4th Dec, 2019)
Member Ms. Tatiana SHERSTOBITOVA (D3) received “2019 Springer Student Special Presentation Award” at the 6th AWEST 2019
Our three papers published in the “Journal of the Physical Society of Japan” was elected as the top 10 paper cited in many citations during the year of 2018.
It is also posted on the JPSJ website as “Most Cited Articles in 2018 from Vol. 86 (2017)”.
Dr. Sadafumi Nishihara (Associate Professor, Hiroshima Univ.) received “Joint Research Award of Network Joint Research Center for Materials and Devices”
Dr. Katsuya ICHIHASHI’s paper was selected for the front page cover of “Angewandte Chemie”
Prof. Takanori Tsutaoka in Hiroshima University has passed away on February 28, 2019.
Member Mr. Katsuya Ichihashi (D3) was elected as “Excellent student scholarship (ESS)”.
Prof. Alexei N. Bogdanov (IFW Dresden, Germany) is appointed as a Professor(Special Appointment) of Hiroshima Univ. “CResCent(Chirality Research Center)”
(period in office : 1st Oct, 2018 – 31th Mar, 2019)
A research result by Associate Professor Sadahumi Nishihara and Dr. Chisato Kato etc was press released.
“World’s First! Information Recording on One Molecule at Room Temperature – Observation of Ferroelectric Properties with Single Molecules, Recording Density Up to 1000 ×”
A paper published in the “Journal of the Physical Society of Japan” was elected as the top 10 paper cited in many citations during the year of 2017.
It is also posted on the JPSJ website as “Most Cited Articles in 2017 from Vol. 85 (2016)”.

Congratulation! ! “Journal of the Physical Society of Japan” Share of high cited papers 40%. Of the 10 articles published in 2016 JPSJ high citation paper, 4 articles of our group are included.
An interview article was posted on Hiroshima University RESEARCH.
“Machine learning offers new way of designing chiral crystals”
Please click here to find the latest issue of the “HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY UPDATE”→HU official web site – HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY UPDATE
The Winners of “2017 Chiral Science Award” Announced
We are planning to hold HU CResCent & HU Core-U 32nd(FY2017 8th)Joint seminar “Seminar on Elementary particle chirality” on Jan 20th, 2018  13:00-17:00, Place:E203, Graduate School of Science, HU → Meetings
Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh (University of Colorado at Boulder) will give a lecture at Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting on Nov. 27th, 2017
This page also includes a lecture report of the Nobel laureate lecture series “From Hiroshima to the World”. Please click here to find the latest issue of the “HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY UPDATE”→HU official web site – HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY UPDATE
Prof. Alexei N. Bogdanov (IFW Dresden, Germany) is appointed as a Professor(Special Appointment) of Hiroshima Univ. “CResCent(Chirality Research Center)”
(period in office : 1st Oct – 30th Mar)
Stephen McVitie (Reader, University of Glasgow) has become the counterpart country’s coordinator. (JSPS Core-to-Core Program, A. Advanced Research Networks)
New paper published→Wiley Online Library
(K. Inoue, S. Nishihara, Y. Nakayama, T. Suzuki and M. Kurmoo, Coupling of Magnetic and Ferroelastic Domains in the Organic Inorganic Layered Perovskite-like (C6H5C2H4NH3)2FeIICl4, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 10.1002/anie.201703898)
We will invite Prof. Mohamedally Kurmoo (Strasbourg University, France)
(period of stay : 27th May – 22th Jun)
Our center have promoted to “Center of Excellence” from “Promising Research Initiative (incubation research center) “
We have changed our center name from “Center for Chiral Science (CCS)” to “Chirality Research Center (CResCent)
Recently, our collaborator, Isabelle Luneau and Jullien Zaccaro team have succeeded to growth chiral single domain crystals of CsCuCl3. For further information, please contact to K. Inoue.

Our article ([Invited Review Paper] Symmetry, Structure, and Dynamics of Monoaxial
Chiral Magnets) is ranked among the Top 10 papers of downloading.
It is introduced in the top page of the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
Registration of ICMM2016 Satellite Meeting
“New Frontier of Multi-functional Magnets” (NFM2016) has opend.
Prof. Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima university) recieved a letter of gratitude from Orenburg state university Russian federation.
One of our paper was selected for the front page cover of Inorganic Chemistry.
χMag2016 Symposium was held in Hiroshima Japan.
An article about “Magnetic soliton confinement and discretization effects arising from macroscopic coherence in a chiral spin soliton lattice” was published in The Nikkei news paper.
Registration and Abstract submission of χMag2016 Symposium open.
An article about “Magnetic soliton confinement and discretization effects arising from macroscopic coherence in a chiral spin soliton lattice” was published in The Science News.
Articles about “Magnetic soliton confinement and discretization effects arising from macroscopic coherence in a chiral spin soliton lattice” was published in Nikkan Kogyo news paper and Chugoku news paper.
We made a press release (lecture at MEXT:Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan) about one of the achievement of our research. detail
(Y. Togawa et al., Magnetic soliton confinement and discretization effects arising from macroscopic coherence in a chiral spin soliton lattice, Phys. Rev. B 92, 220412(R) (2015). DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.92.220412)
press conference at Mext
Core-to-Core International meeting(χMag2016 Symposium)Website open.
English version Web Site Open.
Core-to-Core program, “A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials” was adopted by JSPS.