"Toward a New Class Magnetism by Chemically-controlled Chirality" - Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research [KAKENHI] (S) -
"A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials" -JSPS Core-to-Core Program, A. Advanced Research Networks-


Future schedule

International meetings


CResCent brainstorming and WPI SKCM2 seminar “Brainstorming for skin aging with a focus on chiral knot failure”
25th Apr. 2023, 09:00 – 15:30

Place: Online and onsite hybrid meeting (Onsite: meeting room at WPI building (2F) at Hiroshima Univ.)
Coordinator: Katsuya Inoue and Yoshimi Oka (WPI-SKCM2, CResCent, HU)

*9:00-*9:20  Opening  Katsuya Inoue (WPI-SKCM2, CresCent, HU)
*9:20-10:20  Takumi Takata (Kyoto U.)
***************“Method for identification of D-amino acid residues in protein/peptide”
10:20-11:20  Koichi Matsuo (CresCent, HU)
***************“Synchrotron radiation techniques for detecting chiral structures of biomolecules”
11:20-12:20  Malcolm Kadodwala (CresCent, U Glasgow)  *WPI SKCM2 seminar
***************“Chiral Nanophotonics”
12:20-13:30  Break (Lunch box)
13:30-14:30  Aiko Sada (Kumamoto U)
***************“Elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms of skin stem cell aging”
14:30-14:50  Shang-Te Danny Hsu (WPI-SKCM2, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica)
14:50-15:10  Break (Lunch box)
15:10-16:00  BS
16:00-16:15  Closing Remarks  Ivan Smalyukh (Director of WPI-SKCM2)

Zoom URL for Dr. Kadodwala’s seminar:
Meeting ID: 843 2758 6462, Passcode: 752742


CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting – Miguel Pardo-Sainz’s Seminar
29th Jul. 2022, 15:00 – 16:00

Place:Room B301, Faculty of Science at Hiroshima Univ.
Miguel Pardo-Sainz(Aragón Nanoscience and Materials Institute (CSIC – University of Zaragoza), Zaragoza, Spain・Graduate School of Science, Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan)
Title:”Incommensurate Magnetic Phases of the Multiferroic Compound MnCr2O4 Described with the Superspace Formalism”

CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting – Prof. Javier Campo’s Seminar
24th May 2022, 11:00 – 13:00

Place: Online and onsite hybrid meeting (Onsite: Room E203, Faculty of Science at Hiroshima Univ.)
Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/99162975140?pwd=ay8xc2RNd2kveURTZ0VCZE1iT1Vodz09#success
Meeting ID: 991 6297 5140
Passcode: th2AS8
Prof. Javier Campo(Aragón Nanoscience and Materials Institute (CSIC – University of Zaragoza), Zaragoza, Spain)
Title:”A New Magnetic State, “B-Phase”, in MnSi Probed by SANS and µSR”

Topical meeting of Chirality Research Center(CResCent) “Spin Chirality”
10th-11th Mar. 2022,  15:00-20:00(JST)=7:00-12:00(CET)

Style: On-line
Meeting URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85254375533?pwd=QUR0V2d6bUpXaFJXWWY4MnVWZXhHdz09
Meeting ID: 852 5437 5533
Passcode: 373033
Program & Registration  →Photo(under construction)

CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting -Prof. Oleksiy Bogdanov’s Seminar
12th Jan. 2022 15:30 – 17:30

Place:HU Phoenix International Center MIRAI CREA 1F Hall
Prof. Oleksiy Bogdanov, IFW Dresden (Senior Researcher) / CresCent / Hiroshima University (Specially Appointed Professor)
講演題目:”Physics of MAGNETIC SKYRMIONS”
You can also join us On-line (Via Zoom).  Please connect to here 5 minutes before the start time.


CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting – Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh’s Seminar
1st Nov. 2021 13:00 – 15:00

Place:HU Phoenix International Center MIRAI CREA 1F Hall
Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh (Department of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder / CresCent / Hiroshima University)
Title:”Crystals of solitonic knots in chiral liquid crystals”
You can also join us On-line (Via Zoom).  Please connect to here 5 minutes before the start time.
→Poster & Abstract

Topical meeting of Chirality Research Center(CResCent) “Chirality in fundamental particle physics”
23th Aug. 2021 10:00 – 14:20

Place: Online and onsite hybrid meeting (Onsite: Room C224, Faculty of Science at Hiroshima Univ.)
※If you have received two vaccinations, please consider meeting on site.
10:00-10:15 Explanation of the main idea (Prof. Inoue)
10:15-11:00 Ideas for CResCent, etc. (Assoc. Prof. Sasaki)
11:00-11:30 Potential contribution of high-energy nuclear experiments to the CResCent (Assoc. Prof. Sasaki)
11:30-12:00 Ongoing chiral symmetry recovery search experiment (Assoc. Prof. Naruki – Kyoto U.)
12:00-13:00 (Break)
13:00-14:00 Free discussion (all participants)
14:00-14:20 Summary (Prof. Smalyukh/Prof. Inoue)
Meeting URL: https://cern.zoom.us/j/69590607696?pwd=b3FoZnNVTi9teFpzbW5vN1EyL1FsQT09
Meeting ID: 695 9060 7696
Passcode: 781016


JSPS Core-to-Core Program Evaluation committee in London
16th Apr. 13:00 – 17th Apr. 17:00, 2020  Postponed

場所:Institute of Physics, London, UK

Tentative Program
16th.(Thu.)13:00 -17:00
13:00-13:10 Opening
13:10-13:50 Achievements (Materials, Inoue, R-5)
13:50-14:30 Achievements (Lorenz TEM,S. McVitie, R-1)
14:30-14:50 Break
14:50-15:30 Achievements (Plasmonics, M. Kadodwala, R-2)
15:30-16:10 Achievements (Theories II, A. Ovchinnikov, R-4)
16:10-16:30 Achievements (Neutron I, S. Grigoriev)
16:30-16:50 Achievements (Neutron II, J. Campo)

17th. (Fri.)10:00-17:00
10:00-10:40 Achievements (Properties, Y. Togawa, R-3)
10:40-11:20 Achievements (Theories I, J. Kishine, R-4)
11:20-13:30 Lunch
13:30-13:50 Achievements (Crystal growth and Molecule-based materials, D. Luneau)
13:50-17:00 Discussions

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Pre Evaluation committee in Tokyo
26th Mar. 2020 11:00 –  Postponed

場所:HU Tokyo Office 408, Tokyo, Japan

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting ”Workshop of Multidomain and topological structures in ferroic compounds” Postponed(Response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection)
4th-5th Mar. 2020

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science B508
※We will discuss about Domains and Domain Wall Dynamics on ferromagnetic, ferroelectric, ferroelastic and multiferroics.

CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting Prof. Javier Campo’s Seminar
7th Feb. 2020 11:00 – 13:15

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science B501
Prof. Javier Campo (Aragon Materials Science Institute)
Title:“Neutrons in the daily life”


JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Workshop of multifunctional molecule-based material”【S5】 – Satellite meeting of The 13th Japanese-Russian workshop
14th Nov. 13:00 – 15th Nov. 12:00, 2019

Place:Faculty of Science, Higashi-hiroshima Campas, Hiroshima Univ.
→Program  →Photo

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Chirality, Topology and Knot Theory 3rd study group”【S4】
31th Oct. 12:30 – 1st Nov. 12:45, 2019

Place:Faculty of Science E002, Higashi-hiroshima Campas, Hiroshima Univ.
Theme:Geometrical and Physical aspects of GYROIDS (3D periodic structure) with focus on chirality and magnetism.
→Program  →Photo  →Documents

JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting “Core-to-Core Final Meeting in Jaca (2019) “【S3】
2th-6th Sep. 2019

場所:Jaca, Spain
→Preface  →Program  →Transportation to Meeting

CResCent 12th Academic Lecture Meeting – Prof. Takeharu Haino’s Seminar
27th Aug. 2019 10:00 – 12:00

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science B501
Prof. Takeharu Haino (Group of structural organic chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)

CResCent 11th Academic Lecture Meeting – Prof. Srinivasan Natarajan’s Seminar
19th Jul. 2019 15:00 – 16:30

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science B501
Prof. Srinivasan Natarajan (Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India)
Title:“MOFs for Heterogeneous Catalysis”
→Poster     →Abstract

CResCent 10th Academic Lecture Meeting – Prof. Prasanna S. Ghalsasi, Dr. Goulven Cosquer, Dr. Masaru Fujibayashi
11th Jul. 2019 14:00 – 17:20

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science B501
Prof. Prasanna S. Ghalsasi (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India)
Title:“Designing Intermolecular Dialogues: Building Molecular Magnets to Stereo and Enantioselective C-C Oxidative Coupling”
Dr. Goulven Cosquer (Depertment of Chemistry, Hiroshima University)
Title:“Multi-functionality in single-molecule magnet”
Dr. Masaru Fujibayashi (Depertment of Chemistry, Hiroshima University)
Title:“Basket-Shaped Polyoxometalates Grafted with Organic Phosphonates”
Program & Abstract

JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting “DMI2019 – V International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures” 2019【S2】
8th-12th Jul. 2019

場所:HOTEL KARELIA & Spa, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Program Committee (Core-to-Core Members)
Co-Chairman: Sergey Grigoriev (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia)
Co-Chairman: Jun-ichiro Kishine (The Open University of Japan, Japan)
Javier Campo (Faculty of Sciences, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain)
Sergey Demishev (General Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Vladimir Dmitrienko (Institute of Crystallography RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Markus Garst (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany)
Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Dirk Menzel (Institut fur Physik der Kondensierten Materie, TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany)
Isabelle Mirebeau (Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, Saclay, France)
Teodor Monchesky (Department of Physics and Atmospheric Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Alexander Ovchinnikov (Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Catherine Pappas (Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherland)
Ulrich Rossler (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany)
Sergey Yakunin (NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia)

→conference website

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Pre-DMI mini-workshop on “Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and chiral spin systems”
5th-8th Jul. 2019

場所:St Petersburg, Russia

CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting  Prof. Malcolm Halcrow’s Seminar
28th May. 2019 16:00 – 18:00

Place:B501 Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University
Prof. Malcolm Halcrow (School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, U.K.)
Title:“Spin-Crossover Compounds – Thermal, Optical and Magnetic Switches from Simple Metal Complexes”

JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Chiral natural philosophy”
6th-8th Apr. 2019

Place:Kanda Sanso (Hiroshima city, Japan – 10min from Hiroshima Station by taxi or Bus)
Supplementary materialsProf. Dr. Tadashi Ogawa, Prof. Dr. Hirokazu HoriAbstractProf. Dr. Vitaly Berdinskiy, Ms. Tatiana Sherstobitova

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Symposium on fundamental properties of chiral materials”【S-7】
27th-29th Jan. 2019

Place:Kanda Sanso (Hiroshima city, Japan – 10min from Hiroshima Station by taxi or Bus)
Theme:The aim of the symposium is to discuss recent trends in experimental and theoretical investigations of condensed matter systems with broken mirror symmetry (magnetic materials with intrinsic and induced chirality, multiferroics, chiral liquid crystals).


Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting Prof. Javier Campo’s Seminar
5th Dec. 2018 15:00 –

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science B301
Prof. Javier Campo (Aragon Materials Science Institute)
Title:“Neutron Scattering in Materials Science and Technology”

Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting Hayley R. O. Sohn’s Seminar
1st Aug. 2018 10:00 –

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science E208 Lecture room
Hayley R. O. Sohn (Ph.D. Student, University of Colorado)
Title:“ Collective Dynamics of Topological Solitons in Chiral Nematics”
→Poster & Abstract

Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting Professor Joel S. Miller lecture
23rd Jul. 2018 13:30 – (TBA)

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science B305 Lecture room
Prof. Joel S. Miller (Special professor, University of Utah, USA)
Title:“Molecule-based magnets designer”

JSPS Core-to-Core and Hiroshima University Chiral Research Center Meeting “Chirality in Bio-systems” (Young Scientist Seminar)【S-4】
29th – 30th Jul. 2018

Place:Minoh Sanso, Minoh

JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting “χMag2018 Symposium”【S-2】
25th – 28th Jul. 2018

Place:Nara Kasugano International Forum 甍~I・RA・KA~, 奈良市
→CV of Prof. Massimo Nespolo

JSPS Bilateral Joint Research  Projects/Seminars JSPS Core-to-Core Program
“Informal one-day meeting on neutron facility”
23rd Jul. Monday

Place:Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center (IQBRC)

“Winter school in St. Petersburg”JSPS Core-to-Core Program
12th – 16th Mar. 2018

Place:St. Petersburg, Russia


“A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials”
JSPS Core-to-Core Program 2017【S-5】
8th – 10th Dec. 2017

Place:KYUKAMURA OHKUNOSHIMA, Takehara-city, Hiroshima
Participants: JPN 33, UK 1, ESP 1
— 8th Dec. Session 1 ”New skyrmions” (Session leader: Andrey Leonov )
Poster session (17 papers)
— 9th Dec. Session 2 “Phase diagram and non-linear response”
(Session leader: Javier Campo )
Free discussion
–10th Dec. Session 3 ”New Materials and technology”
(Session leader: Katsuya Inoue )
→Program & Poster presentation list

Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting
27th Nov. 2017 10:00 – 12:00

Place:E002, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
Research → PHYS.ORG – News
Title“Towards Chiral Liquid Crystal Displays with Knots in Every Pixel”
Poster Abstract

“Glasgow meeting”
JSPS Core-to-Core Program 2017【S-4】
4th – 6th Sep. 2017

Place:University of Glasgow, UK
Robert Stamps, University of Glasgow
Yoshihiko Togawa, Osaka Prefecture University
Participants: RUS 2, JPN 7, UK 25
→Program(conference website)

DMI2017 “IV International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures”
JSPS Core-to-Core Program 2017【S-2】
23rd – 26th May 2017

Place:Peterhof, Russia
→conference website

Center for Chiral Science “Symposium”
28th Feb. – 1st Mar 2017

Place:E208 Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University, Japan
–28th Feb.
17:00-Welcome party
–1st March
9:30-11:30 Prof. Istvan Kezsmarki (Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Department of Physics)
13:30-14:30 Dr. Andrey Leonov (CCS and Chemistry department)
14:30-15:00 Coffee
15:00-17:00 Prof. Takeshi Matsumura (CCS and Department of Quantum Matter)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting “Research Progress Meeting on Chiral Magnet”
4th Feb. 13:00 – 6th 12:30 2017

Place:Takeo-Onsen Hights(Takeo, Saga Prefecture)

If you have an interest for this meeting, please contact to the e-mail below until no later than December 19, 2016.
chiral*hiroshima-u.ac.jp(* -> @)



JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting
“Future planning Meeting on Chiral Magnet”」
22nd Nov. 2016 15:00 – 20:00

Organizer : Jun-ichiro Kishine (The Open University of Japan)

Place:Hiroshima University (Higashi-hiroshima Campus B508), Japan

15:00-18:30 日本側メンバーによる会議
19:00-20:00 Glasgow、EkaterinburgとのSkype会議

ICMM2016 Satellite meeting
“Chemistry and Physics for asymmetric magnets New frontier of multi-functional magnets”
9th – 11th Sep. 2016 (ICMM Sendai is 4th – 8th)

Hiroshima City Bunka Kouryu Kaikan, Japan

*We are considering to have oral and poster presentations.
*The Dead line for the resistration will be 2016.07.09.
*The registration fee is 5000JPY and the banquet fee is 5000JPY.

→Conference Web site

JSPS Core-to-Core Program S-6″Material Design and Novel Properties on Chiral Mgnats”
8th – 13th Aug. 2016

Place:Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Organizing committee: Nikolai Baranov (Ural Federal University), Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima University)
Participants: Junichiro Kishine, Yoshihiko Togawa, Yusuke Kato, Misako Shinozaki, Igor Proskurin, Alexander Ovchinnikov,Vladimir Sinitsyn, Valentine Sinitsyn, Irena Bostrem
*Thema: Structure and dynamics of chiral magnets

Brain Storming on Chiral Modulations
2nd – 5th May 2016

Zaragoza University, Spain

Core-to-Core International meeting(χMag2016 Symposium)
21st – 24th Feb. 2016(21th:Welcome party)

Hiroshima, Japan
Organizing committee: Alexander Ovchinnikov (Ural Federal University), Bob Stamps (University of Glasgow), Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima University)
→Conference Web site

Partner Conference of DMI Conference

隔年ロシア・サンクトペテルブルグ近郊で開催されているDMI Conferenceと広島開催のIRSChM2014(2016.2よりχMag2016 Conferenceに会議名を変更)シリーズ研究会は今回正式にタイアップしていくことになりました。DMI Conferenceは隔年でよるグローバルな視点、χMag2016 Conferenceはブレインストーミング的な議論を行うことになりました。
DMI Conference HP


Core-to-Core International meeting, Kick off meeting
11th – 13th Oct. 2015

University of Glasgow, UK
Organizing committee: Alexander Ovchinnikov (Ural Federal University), Bob Stamps (University of Glasgow), Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima University)
→Conference Web site

Core-to-Core Organizer meeting
22nd – 23rd Jun. 2015

University of Glasgow, UK

22nd June, 2015
10:00-12:00 Meeting; R. Stamps, D. MacLaren, S. McVitie, D. McGrouther, G. Paterson, D. Laroze, J. Kishine, Y. Togawa, K. Inoue
13:00-15:00 Lecture by J. Kishine
15:30-17:30 Meeting; R. Stamps, S. Franke-Arnold, M. Kadodwala, T. Blackwell, J. Kishine, Y. Togawa, K. Inoue
23st June, 2015
10:00-12:00 Meeting; R. Stamps, D. MacLaren, S. McVitie,Y. Masaki, M. Shinozaki, J. Kishine, Y. Togawa, K. Inoue
13:00-15:00 Lecture by K. Inoue “Research perspectives on chiral magnets: experimental”
15:30-17:30 Meeting; R. Stamps, S. Franke-Arnold, M. Kadodwala, T. Blackwell, D. MacLaren, S. McVitie, D. McGrouther, G. Paterson, D. Laroze, J. Kishine, Y. Togawa, K. Inoue

Crystal Growth Meeting
3rd – 5th Jun. 2015

Lyon Univ. and Neel Inst., France
Organizing committee: Dominique Luneau, Isabelle Luneau, Julien Zaccaro, Bertrand Menaert, K. Inoue

Core-to-Core Meeting
31st May – 2nd Jun. 2015

University of Glasgow, UK
Organizing committee: R. Stamps, D. MacLaren, S. McVitie, M. Kadodwala, Y. Togawa, M. Shinozaki, K. Inoue


Japan-Russia International Research Symposium on Chiral Magnetism
6th-8th Dec. 2014

Place:Hiroshima, Japan
→IRSChM2014 special page
Aims and scope: the aim of this symposium is to carry out Japan-Russia joint research programs for the purpose of advancing collaborative research between active researchers in the field of chiral magnets (=magnetic crystals with broken chiral symmetry). In the symposium, we will discuss recent developments and future perspectives of science with chiral magnets.
The symposium will be held in Hiroshima, Japan. This symposium is jointly organized by the JSPS International Joint Research Program and Center for Chiral Science, Hiroshima University.

Topics and Organizing committee

Topics: the workshop will cover the following topics:
1) Nonlinear and topological spin textures in chiral magnets
2) How to probe spin chirality and crystallographic chirality by electron, neutron, X-ray, muon, and ultrasound beams
3) Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in crystals with broken chiral symmetry
4) Systematic synthesis of chiral magnetic crystals, including molecular-based, transition-metal, and rare-earth-based crystals
5) Physics of helical and chiral superconductivity

Organizing committee:
Jun-ichiro Kishine (The Open University of Japan, Japan)
Alexander Sergeevich Ovchinnikov (Ural Federal University, Russia)
Katsuya Inoue (Hiroshima University, Japan)

6th – 8th Dec. 2014

Place:Hiroshima Astel Plaza

Domestic meetings


Joint Mini-Workshop on Functional Materials, HU CResCent & Quantum Beam
12th – 13th Oct. 2024

Place:Meeting room at WPI building (2F) at Hiroshima Univ.(Hiroshima, Japan)
※No registration required, free of charge
Contact us:Kazuki Ohishi(CROSS),Katsuya Inoue(CResCent, Hiroshima University)
→Program Sorry, only Japanese

【SkinAging】BS for Research Report 2024-1
13:30-(JST), 6th Mar. 2024

Place & method: Hybrid (Zoom & Hiroshima WPI, 2F meeting room)
Zoom ミーティング ID: 811 0469 9893, パスコード: 782962
*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)
Contact :Katsuya Inoue(CResCent, Hiroshima University)

【QCD】BS for Research Report 2024-1 & Preparation paper
13:30-(JST), 4th Mar. 2024

Place & method: Onsite Only (Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, meeting room, The University of Tokyo)
*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)
Contact :Katsuya Inoue(CResCent, Hiroshima University)


Joint Mini-Workshop on Functional Materials, HU CResCent & Quantum Beam
6th – 7th Oct. 2023

Place:HU Kiteminsai Lab co-working space(the second floor of the Hiroshima JP Building located adjacent to the south exit of Hiroshima Station)
※No registration required, free of charge
Contact us:Kazuki Ohishi(CROSS),Katsuya Inoue(CResCent, Hiroshima University)
→Program (Sorry, only Japanese)


HU CResCent & HU Core-U Joint seminar Prof. Susumu Shimoura’s Seminar
1st Sep. 2022 16:00-17:00

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science E104, Japan and on-line
Prof. Susumu Shimoura(professor emeritus, The University of Tokyo / RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science (RNC))

CResCent Brainstorming “Protein knots and Chirality”
14th Apr. 2022 13:00 – 17:00

Place:Hiroshima University, Faculty of Science B508
Program(in Japanese)


Symposium on Molecular Chirality 2021
29th – 30th Nov. 2021

Place:Higashi Hiroshima Arts & Culture Hall Kurara, Hiroshima, Japan
Chairperson : Katsuya Inoue(Hroshima University)
→conference website

CResCent Meeting “Meeting for QCD chirality”
6th Oct. 2021, 29 – 30th Nov., 22th Jan. 2022, 1st Mar., 21st Apr., 10th May, 31th May, 19th Jun.

the 1st:2021.10/ 6 Wed 10:00 – 13:00 | Hiroshima University Faculty of Science C224
the 2nd:2021.11/10 Wed. 9:00-17:00 | Hiroshima University Faculty of Science E202
***************11/11 Thu. 9:00-14:00 | Hiroshima University Phoenix International Center MIRAI CREA Meeting room 1
the 3rd:2022.1/22 Sat. 10:00-15:00 | One-line
the 4th:2022.3/1 Tue. 10:00-15:00 | One-line
the 5th:2022.4/21 Thu. 10:00-15:00 | One-line
the 6th:2022.5/10 Thu. 14:00-          | One-line
the 7th:2022.5/31 Thu.  | One-line
the 8th:2022.6/19  | KEK, the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)

The 2nd International Research Center for Chiral Co-creation Science(HU) Brainstorming
26th Apr. 2021, 10:00 – 17:45

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science C224, Japan and on-line
10:00-10:30 Basic Information Exchange, Terminology
10:30-12:00 Pre-Brainstorming
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:15 Topic presentation (Prof. Inoue)
13:15-14:30 Brainstorming
14:30-15:00 Intemediate Summary
15:00-15:30 Brake
15:30-15:45 Topic presentation II(Prof. Inoue)
15:45-17:15 Brainstorming
17:15-17:45 Summary

In response to the declaration of the state of emergency in COVID-19, the time and program have been changed as follows.(24th Apr. 2021)
Time:26th Apr. 2021, 15:30 – 17:45
15:30-15:45 Topic presentation (Prof. Inoue)
15:45-17:45 Brainstorming
→Poster  Sorry, only Japanese ※The program part is the one before the change.


JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brainstorming「Recent developments and future perspectives of molecular chiral magnetic materials」
24th Jun. 2019

Place:Komaba Campas, The University of Tokyo
*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brainstorming「原子・ナノスケール低対称環境における量子自由度制御と革新的機能の創製」
30th Jan. 2019

Place:Tohoku University
*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)


JSPS Core-to-Core Program
”Young Scientist Seminar”【S-5】
12th-14th Dec. 2018

Place:Osaka Prefecture University I-site Namba 2F Seminar Room A1 + A2
12日 宍戸先生(大阪府立大学 准教授)によるフェルミ面の計測に関する講義
13日 松浦先生(東京大学 助教)による磁性に関する入門講義
14日 佐藤先生(茨城大学 准教授)による光渦と磁性に関する講義 + 若手による研究発表
世話人:高橋浩久(放送大学), 戸川欣彦(大阪府立大学)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting
“Chirality, Topology and Knot Theory 2nd study group”【S-6】
27th Nov. 2018

Place:Hiroshima University Faculty of Science E203 Large Conference Room, Japan
Theme:Deep discussion of mathematicians and material scientists on chirality, topology, knots

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brainstorming
「Muon collaborative research」
27th May 31st Aug. 11th 29th Sep. 8th 15th 22nd 29th Oct. 2018

May 27, 13:00 – 15:00 Hiroshima University Tokyo Office 4FLounge
Aug 31, 13:30 – 16:00 Hiroshima University Tokyo Office Room408
Sep 11, 12:30 – 16:00 Doshisha University Kyoutanabe Campus C216
Sep 29, 10:00 – 15:00 Sophia University Yotsuya campus Building No.6, 2F 6-204
Oct  8, 13:30 –     Sophia University Yotsuya campus Building No.3, 3F 3-375
*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting
AI Resaerch (4th) “AIによるキラル結晶設計に基づく合成戦略について”
1st Oct. 2018

Place:Ehime University (Functional Material Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering), Japan
*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)

Joint Seminar (525th Physical Property Seminar・Center for Emergent Condensed-Matter Physics(ECMP)・Chirality Research Center (CResCent))
14th Sep. 15:00 – 2018

Place:405N Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, HU
Shigeo Ohara(Professor, Department of Physical Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Organizer:Takeshi Matsumura(Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, HU)

Joint Seminar (526th Physical Property Seminar・Center for Emergent Condensed-Matter Physics(ECMP)・Chirality Research Center (CResCent))
14th Sep. 16:20 – 2018

Place:405N Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, HU
Shinji Watanabe(Associate Professor, Department of Basic Sciences, Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Organizer:Takeshi Matsumura(Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, HU)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program brainstorming
“Discussion on electronic state and magnetic anisotropy of chiral magnetic material”
26th 13:00 – 27th 13:00 Jun. 2018

Place:Osaka Prefecture University nakamozu campus, B4 Building B4-West K205 Conference Room (Please come to B4 building W109 rooms first.)
Theme:Discussion on electronic state and magnetic anisotropy of chiral magnetic material

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting
AI Resaerch (3rd) “Discussion on new learning method for chiral crystal design”
23rd May 2018

Place:Hiroshima University (Higashi-hiroshima Campus B508), Japan

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brainstorming
“Chirality, Topology and Knot Theory 1st study group”
16th Apr. 2018

Place:Hiroshima University, Japan
Theme:Review on the chirality of the knot

HU CResCent & HU Core-U
Joint seminar “Seminar on Elementary particle chirality II”【S-1】
1st – 2nd Apr. 2018

※本セミナーは、広島大学極限宇宙研究拠点(Core-U)とキラル国際研究拠点(CResCent)の合同セミナーです。2018年1月20日に広島大学で開催された “Seminar on Elementary particle chirality” の第二弾となります。


JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brainstorming
「Meeting of new function exploitation using spin phase order in chiral magnetic material」
2nd 22nd 25th Mar. 2018

3/  2(火)広島大学東京オフィス キャンパス・イノベーションセンター 4階ラウンジ
3/22(木)広島大学東京オフィス 408会議室
3/25(日)広島大学東京オフィス 408会議室
*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brainstorming
「Muon collaborative research」
27th Feb. 2018

Place:広島大学東京オフィス キャンパス・イノベーションセンター リエゾンコーナー508
*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting
第2回研究討論会 ”ミュオンを用いた電子・水素・イオンの複合ダイナミクスの観測-現状と展望-”
30th 13:00 – 31th 13:30 Jan. 2018

Place:Takeo-Onsen Hights(Takeo, Saga Prefecture)


HU CResCent & HU Core-U 32nd(FY2017 8th)Joint seminar
“Seminar on Elementary particle chirality”
20th Jan. 2018 13:00 – 17:00

Place:E203 Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.

Kenji Fukushimna
(Professor, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo)
「Chirality in High-Energy Physics」
Naoki Yamamoto
(Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Keio Univ. )


H29 Hino Research Group
30th Nov. – 1st Dec. 2017

Place:愛媛大学2番地区(理学部キャンパス) 総合研究棟1 6階理学部会議室

JSPS Core-to-Core Program “6th Young Scientist Seminar ~ 2017 Autumn school”
20th – 22nd Nov. 2017

Place:Osaka Prefecture University I-site Namba, 2F, Seminar room A1+A2 (Osaka, JAPAN)

20日 Lecture by Assoc. prof. Niimi about Spintronic
21日 Lecture by Dr. Matsuura about Magnetism + Group discussion
22日 Mini Lecture by Dr. Goncalves about Magnetism + Oral presentation by young researchers + Group discussion

Hirohisa Takahashi (The Open Univ. of Japan)
Hiroyasu Matsuura (Tokyo University)
Yoshihiko Togawa (Osaka Prefecture University)

If you have an interest for this meeting, please contact to the e-mail below.
(* -> @)

Program & Abstract

Chirality Research Center “Chiral Science Seminar”
27th Oct. 2017 16:00 – 18:00

Place:Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Prof. Gopalan Srinivasan (Distinguished Professor, Oakland University, USA)
Title “Multiferroic Composites: Recent Advances and Future Possibilities”
Program & Abstract

JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Meeting toward Further progress of the Chiral Science”
2nd Oct. 2017 13:00 – 20:00

Place:Campus Innovation Center, Room 509 (3-3-6, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
13:00 – 15:30 実験系からの将来ビジョンについて  Prof. K. Inoue (Hiroshima Univ.)
16:00 – 17:30 理論系からの将来ビジョンについて  Prof. J. Kishine (The Open University of Japan)
18:00 – 20:00 討論会

*Closed meeting (Invitees Only)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program R-1, 3, 5 Joint seminar
21st Aug. 2017 13:00 – 14:00

Place:Osaka Prefecture University(Rm 306, A5 building)
Theme:Lecture of Dr. Yuya Sawada(Center for Advanced High Magnetic Field Science – Hagiwara Laboratry -, Osaka Univ.)
Program & Abstract

research meeting
24th Aug. 2017

Place:Nagoya University
Theme:About chiral magnetism

Topical Meeting for Core-to-Core “AI Resaerch(2nd)”
2th 15:00 – 3th 15:00 Aug. 2017

Place:Hiroshima University (Higashi-hiroshima Campus B508), Japan
2th Aug.(Wed)
15:00 ”AI Resaerch 現状報告” by Prof. K. Inoue (Hiroshima Univ.)
10:00-12:00 ”ロジスティック回帰について” by Prof. T. Kurita (Hiroshima Univ.)

3th Aug.(Thu)
10:00-12:00 ”AI研究の展開について” by Prof. J. Ohe (Toho Univ.)
13:00-15:00 Discussion

Topical Meeting for Core-to-Core “Chiral natural philosophy”
21st 13:00- 22nd 17:00 Apr. 2017

Place:Kanda Sansou Resort (Kurhaus)(Hiroshima city)
Organizer:Katsuya Inoue
Prof. Tadashi Ogawa (Professor emeritus, Kyoto University) vs. Prof. Kazuo Kitahara (Professor emeritus, Tokyo University of Science)
Prof. Tadashi Ogawa (Professor emeritus, Kyoto University)
Prof. Jun-ichiro Kishine (The Open University of Japan)
Prof. Hirokazu Hori (Yamanashi University)

Topical Meeting for Core-to-Core “AI Resaerch”
20th 14:00 – 18:00 Apr. 2017

Place:Hiroshima University (Higashi-hiroshima Campus B508), Japan
14:00-18:00 Discussion together
Assoc. prof. J. OHE(Toho Univ.), Prof. T. KURITA(Hiroshima Univ.),
Prof. K. INOUE (Hiroshima Univ.), Dr. A. LEONOV (Hiroshima Univ.)

日本学術振興会 研究拠点形成事業 トピカルミーティング
2017年3月27日18:00 – 29日12:10

場所:キャンパス・イノベーション東京 リエゾンコーナー501
3月27日(月)18:00 将来構想会議
10:00-10:05 はじめに
10:05-12:00 キラルの効果に関して(広島大学 井上克也教授)
13:00-14:00 AIによるキラル結晶設計(広島大学 井上克也教授)
14:00-15:30 最近の実験結果について(大阪府立大学 戸川欣彦准教授)
16:00-17:30 最近の実験結果について(九州工業大学 美藤正樹教授)
17:30-18:30 討論
18:30-  キラルチームの将来計画について(広島大学 井上克也教授)

JSPS Core-to-Core Program R-1, 2, 3 Joint seminar
21st Mar. 2017 14:00 – 15:00

Place:Osaka Prefecture University
Theme:Lecture of Pro. Malcolm Kadodwala
Program & Abstracts


JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Young Scientist Seminar”
12th 13:00 – 13nd 17:00 Dec. 2016

Place: Osaka Prefecture University I-site Namba (Osaka, JAPAN)
Organizer:Hirohisa Takahashi (The Open Univ. of Japan)
If you have an interest for this meeting, please contact to the e-mail below.
(* -> @)
Program & Abstracts

Mini Seminar “ミュオンで磁気キラリティを検出できるか”
7th Nov. 2016 13:00 – 17:00

Place: University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus (Tokyo, JAPAN)
Organizer:Hiroyasu Matsuura (The University of Tokyo)
Program (tantative)
13:00~14:00「ミュオンスピン回転によるキラリティ検出」Hirohisa Takahashi (The Open Univ. of Japan)
14:20~15:20「キラル磁性結晶のミュオンスピン回転実験の現状と展望」Kazuki Ohishi(CROSS TOKAI)
15:40~17:00「ミュオンで磁気キラリティを検出できるか」Discussion by all participants

Center for Chiral Science”Chiral Science Seminar”
31st Oct. 2016 16:45 – 17:45

B305, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Prof. Sailaja Sunkari (Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India)
Title ”Technomimetic nanomachines : Molecular wheels, vehicles, rotors and motors”

Center for Chiral Science”Chiral Science Seminar”
26th Oct. 2016 16:00 –

B301, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Prof. OUAHAB, Lahcène (CNRS-Université de Rennes1, France)
Title ”Lanthanides for Single Molecule Magnet Behaviour and Luminescence”

research meeting
17th Aug. 2016

Place:Tokyo Institute of Technology
Theme:About chiral magnetism

First meeting for young members in chiral physics in 2016
20th 15:00- 22nd 15:00 Jul. 2016

Place: Seminar room (815) in The Open University of Japan (Makuhari, Chiba)

Organizer:Hirohisa Takahashi (The Open Univ. of Japan)

Program (tantative)
20th: “Neel type skyrmions (experiment)” by Dr. Istvan Kezsmarki
(Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics) (1h)
21st: “Natural intelligence” by Prof. Hori (Yamanashi Univ.) (4h)
21st or 22nd: “Review on Theory of Chiral Magnets” by Prof. Kishine (OUJ) (2h)
21st and 22nd: Talks by young researchers

Brain Storming meeting 3 in April
22nd Apr. 2016

Place:Hiroshima University, Japan

13:30-13:45 YbNi3Al9の結晶構造 ーその質も含めてー (大原繁男)
13:45-14:00 J-PARC/MLF 中性子小角・広角散乱装置「大観」の紹介 (大石一城)
14:00-14:15 中性子回折によるYb(Ni,Cu)3Al9のキラルらせん磁気秩序の検証 (高阪勇輔)
14:15-14:30 放射光X線によるYbNi3Al9の磁気構造の研究 (松村武)
14:30-14:45 休憩
14:45-16:00 自由討論

講演者4名 他参加者11名

Brain Storming meeting 2 in April
19th Apr. 2016 15:00 –

Place:Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Theme:Development of Chiral Plasmonics: Novel Methods of Measurements and Analysis

15:00-16:30  Malcolm、岡本、戸川、戸川研メンバーでの打ち合わせ
16:30-17:10 グラスゴーでの研究(Malcolm)
17:10-17:40 分子研での研究(岡本)
17:40-18:20 大阪府大でのプラズモニクス関連の研究(戸川)
18:20-19:00 今後のプラズモニクスーキラル磁性体の研究方針の議論(参加者全員)

Topical meeting for Core-to-Core “Chiral natural philosophy”
17th 13:00 – 18th 15:00 Apr. 2016

Hiroshima International Youth House, Japan

organizer: Hiroyasu Matsuura (The University of Tokyo)

contact: matsuura*hosi.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
(* -> @)

Brain Storming meeting 2 in April
8th Apr. 2016

Place:Room No. =512, Building No=C10, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan
Theme:Magnetic resonance in Chiral Magnets

13:30-14:30 CrNb3S6 & CsCuCl3 (Dr. D. Yoshizawa, Osaka Univ.)
14:40-16:40 CrNb3S6 (Francisco Goncalves)
16:50-17:50 theoretical consideration (Jun-ichiro Kishine, OUJ.)
18:00-20:00 Discussions

Lecture meeting
2nd Mar. 2016

Place:Hiroshima University
Eugenio Coronado(Instituto de Ciencia Molecular (ICMol). Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
Title:”Magnetic molecules, nanoparticles and 2D materials for molecular spintronics”


20th – 22nd Dec. 2015

場所:神奈川県 箱根KKRホテル

キラル物性若手の会 秋の学校
2015年11月1日 – 3日

場所:広島県 尾道ふれあいの里

2015年9月19日 – 22日

場所:広島県蒲刈島 広島県民の浜・輝きの館
広駅⇔営農センター バス時刻表

SPring-8 シンポジウム 2015
2015年9月13日(日) 13:00 – 14日(月) 17:30

場所:九州大学伊都キャンパス カーボンニュートラル・エネルギー国際研究所
/I2CNER(アイスナー) 大ホール他
〒819-0395 福岡市西区元岡744


詳細はこちら(SPring-8 シンポジウムページ)

Core若手の会 キラルミニ勉強会
2015年7月21日(火) – 23日(木)


キラルプラズモニクス -キラル磁性×光学物性研究会-
2015年6月27日(土) 9:00 – 28日(日) 18:00


2015年6月15日(月) 14:00 – 18:00


14:00~15:00 講演1対称性と群論
15:00~16:00 講演2カイラル結晶とリフシッツ不変量
16:00~17:00 講演3強誘電体への応用
17:00~18:00 講演4キラル磁性との関連
19:00~20:00 強誘電とキラル磁性の関連についての討論会

2015年4月21日(火) – 23日(木)

場所:大阪大学 豊中キャンパス
講師:prof. Javier Campo(Spain, Zaragoza Univ.)
“Magnetic structures determination by using neutron scattering”

2015年4月17日(金) – 19日(日) 昼

場所:広島大学 イノベーションプラザ セミナー室、蒲刈島 県民の浜コテージかまがり



12:50-13:00 はじめに 井上克也(広島大学), 2014年度キラル物性奨励賞 表彰式
13:00-13:50 篠嵜美沙子(東京大学)三次元カイラルらせん磁性体の解析(受賞講演)
13:50-14:40 赤木 暢(大阪大学)パルス強磁場を用いた電気磁気特性
14:40-14:50 休憩
15:40-16:20松浦 弘泰(東京大学)自然界におけるキラリティ―

9:30-11:00 小川侃(京都大学名誉教授)哲学と科学におけるキラリティー
11:00-12:30 堀 裕和(山梨大学)TBA
12:30-14:00 昼食
14:00-17:00 キラリティーの学問の枠を超えた発展について (島内での議論会)
18:00-21:00 夕食討論会

2015年3月4日(水) 15:00 –


2015年1月30日(金) 15:00 –



2014年10月24日(金) 15:00 –


2014年9月26日(金) 15:00 –


2014年7月30日(水) 13:00-



13:00~14:00 講演1
14:10~15:10 講演2
15:20~16:20 講演3
16:30~17:30 講演4
17:30~18:30 全体自由討論
18:30~ 懇親会
秋光純(青学大理工)、井上克也(広大理)、下村浩一郎(KEK)、〇仁尾真紀子(理研)、〇野村大輔(京大基研)、〇福山武志(阪大RCNP)、〇岸根順一郎(放送大)、鳥養映子(山梨大工) ※鳥養先生はテレビ会議でのご参加となります

2014年6月21日(土) 13:00 – 22日(日) 18:00



13:00-13:30 井上克也 (広島大学) はじめに
13:30-15:30 荻田典男(広島大学)
15:00-15:30 休憩
15:30-17:30 松尾衛(日本原子力研究開発機構)

17:30-18:00 松本悠(大阪府立大学)
18:00-18:30 Igor Proskurin (東京大学)

09:30-11:30 美藤正樹(九州工業大学)
11:30-13:30 昼
13:30-15:30 鈴木孝至(広島大学)
15:30-16:00 休憩
16:00-18:00 徳永将史(東京大学 物性研究所)
18:00-  終わりに

広大「キラル物性研究拠点」 合同研究会「光とキラリティ」
2014年4月27日(日) 午後 – 29日(火)

場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス(理学部1号館201A セミナー室)


15:00~17:00 量子磁性体・誘電体におけるレーザー誘起非平衡状態の理論[(青山学院大学) 佐藤正寛] 若手セッション
17:00~17:30 古典モンテカルロ法を用いたカイラルらせん磁性体の有限温度効果の解析[(東京大学) 篠嵜美沙子] 17:30~18:00 [(大阪府立大学) 西森祐太] 18:00~18:30 [(大阪大学) 吉澤大智] 4月28日(月)
10:00~12:00 光ボルテックスとキラリティ[(千葉大学) 尾松孝茂] 14:00~16:00 Chiral結晶における4重極整列[(理研) 田中良和] 16:00~18:00 放射光を用いたキラリティーの研究[(spring-8) 大隅寛幸] 4月29日(火)
10:00~12:00 近接場光学を用いたキラリティーの研究[(山梨大学) 堀裕和]

放送大学 合同研究会「カイラル対称性と基礎物理:素粒子、原子核、物性を貫く通奏概念を探る」
2014年4月26日(土) 13:00 – 18:30



13:00~13:10 趣旨の説明(岸根)
13:10~14:00 Quark-Gluon Plasmaにおけるカイラル磁気効果 [東大院理物理 福嶋健二(原子核理論)] 14:00~14:50 格子上のカイラルフェルミオン(格子ゲージ理論、グラ フェンなど)[東大院総合文化 菊川芳夫(素粒子理論)] 14:50~15:00 休憩
15:00~15:50 原子・分子におけるパリティ破れの観測可能性[阪大核物理センター 福山武志(素粒子理論)] 15:50~16:40 アクシオン場とトポロジカル絶縁体[東大物性研 押川正毅(物性理論)] 16:40~16:50 休憩
16:50~17:40 カイラルp波超伝導とマヨラナフェルミオン[名大工 佐藤昌利(素粒子理論・物性理論)] 17:40~18:30 カイラル対称性の破れた結晶におけるトポロジカルスピン テクスチャ[放送大 岸根順一郎(物性理論)]←時間が押した場合は短縮します
19:00~    懇親会

2014年3月30日 夕方 – 4月1日 昼


2014年2月1日(土) – 2日(日)



2013年12月10日 15:30 –

場所:放送大学本部 放送・研究棟8Fセミナー室
参加者:加藤雄介(東大駒場),および加藤研の学生2名,福島孝治(東大駒場),Bob Stamps,戸川欣彦,松浦弘泰?,岸根順一郎(順不同、敬称略)

2013年11月4日(月, 祝) 12:00 – 20:00


2013年8月5日(月) 13:00 – 17:00

参加者:柳瀬陽一(超伝導理論/新潟大)、戸川欣彦、松浦弘泰、Alexander Ovchinnikov、Igor Proskurin、岸根順一郎、井上克也、高坂勇輔、菊池耕一、秋光純(順不同、敬称略)

Past Meeting


SKCM2 2024 Winter School (related)|9th – 20th Dec. 2024, Hybrid (Onsite: Hiroshima Univ. & Kyushu Univ., on-line)

The 21st Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium (related)|05th – 06th Dec. 2024, Library Hall of Central Library(Higashi-Hiroshima Campus of HU, Hiroshima, Japan)
(related)|28th Oct. 2024, Hybrid(Zoom & Osaka University, on-line)
Joint Mini-Workshop on Functional Materials, HU CResCent & Quantum Beam (related)|12th – 13th Oct. 2024, meeting room at WPI building (2F) at Hiroshima Univ.(Hiroshima, Japan)
Chirality2024 (related)|26th – 29th Aug. 2024, Kyoto TERRSA (Kyoto, Japan)
WPI-SKCM² Networking Event (related)|11th Mar. 2024, Senri Hankyu Hotel Osaka(Osaka, Japan)
SKCM² Spring Symposium: Nara, Japan (related)|8th Mar. 2024, Nara Kasugano International Forum – IRAKA(Nara, Japan)
【SkinAging】BS for Research Report 2024-1 |6th Mar. 2024, Hybrid(Zoom & Hiroshima WPI, 2F meeting room)
【QCD】BS for Research Report 2024-1 & Preparation paper |4th Mar. 2024, Onsite Only Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, meeting room, The University of Tokyo(Tokyo, Japan)


MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023 (related)|11th – 16th Dec. 2023, Kyoto International Conference Center(Kyoto, Japan)

The 20th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium (related)|08th – 09th Dec. 2023, Reception Hall, Hiroshima University Faculty Club(Higashi-Hiroshima Campus of HU, Hiroshima, Japan)
Joint Mini-Workshop on Functional Materials, HU CResCent & Quantum Beam|6th – 7th Oct. 2023, HU Kiteminsai Lab co-working space(Hiroshima, Japan)
19th International Conference on Chiroptical Spectroscopy (CD2023)(related)|17th – 21th Sep. 2023, JMS Aster Plaza(Hiroshima, Japan)
Symposium on Molecular Chirality 2023
(related)|15th – 16th Jun. 2023, The Global Research Center for Food & Medical Innovation (FMI), Hokkaodo University(Sapporo, Japan)
CResCent brainstorming and WPI SKCM2 seminar|25th Apr. 2023, meeting room at WPI building (2F) at Hiroshima Univ.(Hiroshima, Japan)
SKCM2 Kickoff Symposium 2023(related)|20th – 22th Mar. 2023, Hiroshima International Conference Center(Hiroshima, Japan)
776. WE-Heraeus-Seminar “Re‐thinking Spintronics: From Unconventional Materials to Novel Technologies”(related)|4th – 6th Jan. 2023, “Physikzentrum Bad Honnef”, located near Bonn/Germany


International Conference on Functional Materials Science 2022 (ICFMS 2022)(related)|29th – 30th Nov. 2022, Benoa, Bali, Indonesia

The 11th World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) Science Symposium「科学で拓く無限大の可能性」
(related)|23th Nov. 2022, hybrid meeting (Onsite: Ito Hall, The University of Tokyo & On-line)
研究会「中間子科学の将来討論会」(related)|9th – 11th Nov. 2022, hybrid meeting (Onsite: Nishina Hall, RIKEN+zoom)
HU CResCent & HU Core-U Joint seminar Prof. Susumu Shimoura’s Seminar|1st Sep. 2022 16:00-17:30, hybrid format (Faculty of Science at Hiroshima Univ., Hiroshima, Japan / Online)
CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting -Miguel Pardo-Sainz’s Seminar|July 29 2022, Faculty of Science at Hiroshima Univ.
A J-PARC-HI Evening|July14 2022, OnlineJ-PARC Center, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK, Japan)
CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting – Prof. Javier Campo’s Seminar|May 24, 2022, HU Faculty of Science E203

CResCent “CResCent Brainstorming “Protein knots and Chirality”|Apr. 14, 2022, 13:00〜17:00, HU Faculty of Science B508
Topical meeting of Chirality Research Center(CResCent) “Spin Chirality”|Mar. 10-11, 2022, 15:00〜20:00(JST) 7:00-12:00(CET), On-line format
CResCent Meeting “Meeting for QCD chirality” 3rd-7th |【3th】Jan. 22【4th】Mar. 1【5th】Apr. 21【6th】May 10【7th】May 31【8th】Jun. 19, 2022, HU *Closed Meeting
CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting – Prof. Oleksiy Bogdanov’s Seminar|Jan. 12, 2022, hybrid format (HU Phoenix International Center MIRAI CREA 1F Hall / Online)


    Symposium on Molecular Chirality 2021|Nov. 29-30, 2021, hybrid format (Higashi Hiroshima Arts & Culture Hall Kurara, Hiroshima, Japan / Online)
    CResCent Meeting “Meeting for QCD chirality” 1st-2nd|【1st】Oct. 6【2nd】Nov. 10 – 11, 2021 HU *Closed Meeting
    CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting – Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh’s Seminar|Nov. 1, 2021, hybrid format (HU Phoenix International Center MIRAI CREA 1F Hall / Online)
    DMI2021 “VI International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures”(Related)|Sep. 6-10, 2021, hybrid format(Vyborg, Russia / online)

    Topical meeting of Chirality Research Center(CResCent) “Chirality in fundamental particle physics”|Aug. 23, 2021, hybrid format (HU Faculty of Science C224 / Online)

    The 14th Japanese-Russian workshop – MolMag2021(Related)|Aug. 16-20, 2021, hybrid format (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia / online)

    The 2nd International Research Center for Chiral Co-creation Science(HU) Brainstorming|Apr. 26, 2021, Online(HU Faculty of Science C244 and Online)

    The 1st Asian Conference on Molecular Magnetism – 1st ACMM online(Related)|Mar. 7-10, 2021, Online(Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)


    The 17th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium jointly held with The 10th Japanese-Russian Seminar on Chemical Physics of Molecules and Polyfunctional Materials(Related)|Dec. 9 – 11, 2020, Online(The Chemical Society of Nano Bio Info, Hiroshima Univ., Japan and Physics Faculty of Orenburg State Univ., Russia)

    Molecular Chirality Asia 2020(Related)|Oct. 31 – Nov. 2, 2020, Online(Waseda University MCAsiaOffice, Tokyo, Japan)
    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Pre Evaluation committee in TokyoMar. 26, 2020  Cancelled(Response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection)

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Evaluation committee in LondonApr. 16 – 17, 2020  Cancelled(Response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection)

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting ”Workshop of Multidomain and topological structures in ferroic compounds”|Mar. 4 -5, 2020 Postponed(Response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection)

    (仮称) (related)|Mar. 2, 2020 Postponed(Response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection)

    Chiral magnetism and multiferroics, Coherent X-ray Materials Science, QST Harima Seminar Joint Meeting (related)|Feb. 10, 2020

    CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting Prof. Javier Campo’s Seminar|Feb. 7, 2020


    The 16th Nano Bio Info Chemistry Symposium(Related)|Dec. 7-8, 2019

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Workshop of multifunctional molecule-based material”【S5】- Satellite meeting of The 13th Japanese-Russian workshop|Nov. 14-15, 2019

    The 13th Japanese-Russian workshop (Related)|Nov. 10-13, 2019

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Chirality, Topology and Knot Theory 3rd study group”【S4】|Oct 31 – Nov 01, 2019

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting “Core-to-Core Final Meeting in Jaca (2019) “【S3】|Sep 2-6. 2019

    CResCent 11th Academic Lecture Meeting  Prof. Takeharu Haino’s SeminarAug 27. 2019

    CResCent 11th Academic Lecture Meeting  Prof. Srinivasan Natarajan’s SeminarJul 19. 2019

    CResCent 10th Academic Lecture Meeting by Prof. Prasanna S. Ghalsasi, Dr. Goulven Cosquer, Dr. Masaru Fujibayashi|Jul 11. 2019

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting “DMI2019 – V International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures” 2019【S2】|Jul 8-12. 2019

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Pre-DMI mini-workshop on “Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and chiral spin systems”|Jul 5-7. 2019

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brainstorming「Recent developments and future perspectives of molecular chiral magnetic materials」|Jun 24, 2019

    【Related】Kumadai-Seminar2019|Jun. 10, 2019

    CResCent Academic Lecture Meeting  Prof. Malcolm Halcrow’s Seminar|May 28, 2019

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Chiral natural philosophy”【S1】Apr. 6-8, 2019


    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Pre-DMI mini-workshop on “Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and chiral spin systems”|Jul. 5-7, 2019

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting“Symposium on fundamental properties of chiral materials”【S-7】|Jan. 27-29, 2019

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program ”Young Scientist Seminar”【S-5】|Dec. 12-14, 2018

    Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting Prof. Javier Campo’s Seminar|Dec. 5, 2018

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical Meeting “Chirality, Topology and Knot Theory 2nd study group”|Nov. 27, 2018


    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting AI Resaerch (4th) “AIによるキラル結晶設計に基づく合成戦略について”|Oct. 1, 2018

    The 12th Japanese-Russian workshop – MolMag2018(related)|Sep. 17-21, 2018

    15th Bilateral Japanese-German Symposium- Novel Phases by Breaking Symmetry: From Magnetism to Chirality(related)|Sep. 17-19, 2018

    Joint Seminar (526th Physical Property Seminar・Center for Emergent Condensed-Matter Physics(ECMP)・Chirality Research Center (CResCent))|Sep. 14, 2018

    Joint Seminar (525th Physical Property Seminar・Center for Emergent Condensed-Matter Physics(ECMP)・Chirality Research Center (CResCent))|Sep. 14, 2018

    The 16th International Conference on Molecule-based Magnets– ICMM2018(related)|Sep. 1-5, 2018

    SPring-8 Symposium 2018(related)|Aug. 25-26, 2018

    SPRUC “Chiral Magnetic / Multiferroics Study Group” Satellite Study Group(related)|Aug. 25, 2018

    The 43rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry– ICCC 2018(related)|Jul. 30-Aug. 4, 2018

    Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting Hayley R. O. Sohn’s Seminar|Aug. 1, 2018

    JSPS Core-to-Core and Hiroshima University Chiral Research Center Meeting “Chirality in Bio-systems” (Young Scientist Seminar)|Jul. 29-30, 2018

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting “χMag2018 Symposium”|Jul. 25-28, 2018

    Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting Professor Joel S. Miller lecture|Jul. 23, 2018

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program brainstorming “Discussion on electronic state and magnetic anisotropy of chiral magnetic material”|Jun. 26-27, 2018

    International Conference on Magnetism– ICM2018(related)|Jul. 16-20, 2018

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting AI Resaerch (3rd) “Discussion on new learning method for chiral crystal design”|May. 23, 2018

    The 6th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism- ICSM2018 (related)|Apr. 29-May. 4, 2018

    The 25th QCD Club(related)|Apr. 23, 2018

    Osaka Prefecture University Engineering Area Electronic Physics Engineering Course The 98th Electronic Physics Engineering Seminar 
    “The application of “superchiral” nearfields for ultrasensitive characterisation of chiral media”(related)|Apr. 23, 2018

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Brainstorming “Chirality, Topology and Knot Theory 1st study group”|Apr. 16, 2018

    Osaka Prefecture University Engineering Area Electronic Physics Engineering Course The 97th Electronic Physics Engineering Seminar “The origins of optical activity in chiral plasmonic nanomaterials”(related)|Apr. 16, 2018

    HU CResCent & HU Core-U Joint seminar “Seminar on Elementary particle chirality II”|Apr. 1-2, 2018


    JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Winter school in St. Petersburg”|Mar. 12-16, 2018

    HU CResCent & HU Core-U 32nd(FY2017 8th)Joint seminar “Seminar on Elementary particle chirality”|Jan. 20, 2018

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program 2017【S-5】Topical meeting “A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials”|Dec. 8-10, 2017

    Hiroshima University Academic Lecture Meeting Prof. Ivan I. Smalyukh|Nov. 27, 2017

    TOYOTA RIKEN International Workshop on Chirality in Soft Matter (related)|Nov. 24-26, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Young Scientist Seminar 2017”|Nov. 20-22, 2017

    The 11th Japanese-Russian workshop (related)|Nov. 12-15, 2017

    Chirality Research Center”Chiral Science Seminar” Prof. Gopalan Srinivasan|Oct. 27, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Meeting toward Further progress of the Chiral Science”|Oct. 2, 2017

    New Frontier of Molecular Materials (NFMM)- post-conference of ISCOM2017 (related)|Sep. 29-30, 2017

    12th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Magnets (ISCOM2017) (related)|Sep. 24-29, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program International meeting “Glasgow meeting”|Sep. 4-6, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program R-1, 3, 5 Joint seminar|Aug. 21, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting “AI Rsearch(2nd)”|Aug. 2-3, 2017

    DMI2017(related) “IV International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures”|May. 23-26, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting “Chiral natural philosophy”|Apr. 21-22, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting “AI Rsearch”|Apr. 20, 2017


    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting “今後進めるべきキラル磁性体関連重要研究テーマについて”|Mar. 27-29, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program R-1, 2, 3 Joint seminar|Mar. 21, 2017

    Center for Chiral Science”Symposium”|Feb. 28-Mar. 1, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program Topical meeting “Research Progress Meeting on Chiral Magnet”|Feb. 4-6, 2017

    SPRUC 機能磁性材料分光研究会・キラル磁性・マルチフェロイックス研究会 合同研究会(related)|Feb. 1, 2017

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Young Scientist Seminar”|Dec. 12-13, 2016

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program “A Consortium to Exploit Spin Chirality in Advanced Materials”|Nov. 22, 2016

    Mini Seminar “ミュオンで磁気キラリティを検出できるか”|Nov. 7, 2016

    Center for Chiral Science”Chiral Science Seminar” Prof. Sailaja Sunkari|Oct. 31, 2016

    Center for Chiral Science”Chiral Science Seminar” Prof. OUAHAB, Lahcène|Oct. 26, 2016

    MOLECULAR MAGNETS 2016 (related)|Sep. 19-23, 2016

    NFM2016(ICMM2016 Post-conference) “New frontier of multi-functional magnets”|Sep. 9-11, 2016

    JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Material Design and Novel Properties on Chiral Mgnats”|Aug. 8-13, 2016

    ICCGE-18 (related)|Aug. 7-12, 2016

    First meeting for young members in chiral physics in 2016|Jul. 20-22, 2016

    討論会|Jul. 13-14, 2016

    ICCC2016|Jul. 3-8, 2016

    International workshop “電流の渦とスピンの渦のダイナミクス”(related)|Jul. 1-3, 2016

    Brain Storming on Chiral Modulations|May. 2-5, 2016

    Brain Storming meeting 3 in April |Apr. 22, 2016

    Brain Storming meeting 2 in April|Apr. 19, 2016

    Topical meeting for Core-to-Core “Chiral natural philosophy”|Apr. 17-18, 2016

    Core-to-Core International meeting|Feb. 21-24, 2016



